The Interview Game-Changer
Your resume landed you the interview. Now, to stand out from the sea of executive applicants, you must know how to articulate & present your value... this is your personal brand.
The Interview Game Changer was designed to provoke thought and have the user work through steps to help identify and interpret the value they bring to their profession.
Step One | Identifying Your Value
The first step dives in to identifying your values. The worksheet will take you through a practice of identifying your vision which is why you do what you do. For example, creating a culture of innovation through transformation and disruption. Next, uncover your mission, what is it that you do and specifically, what can and will you do for the organization in the role you’re interviewing for? And finally, how. How will you will you deliver in that mission.
Step Two | Articulate You Value
In this section, we give you the tools to write and articulate your value.
At Ari Agency & Ari Executive, we work with digital leaders and disruptors who rely on us to find and attract some of the most competitive talent in the digital space. If you’re interested in the trends impacting workforces or looking to hiring game-changing talent, contact us today to learn more about how we can help.